Believe 51, what does it mean? How did it start?
Believe51 is more than just a word, slogan, logo or a brand.
Throughout my racing career I have experienced the highs and lows that come with motorcycle racing. Not only in my racing but in everyday life I have experienced tragedy and battles, watching close friends and family fight illness and cancer. In any situation or circumstance there has always been one thing, one word that triumphs over it all, and that is BELIEVE. To believe that things will work out and get better, no matter how far away that goal or dream may be. A word that gives hope and meaning to any situation is the reason I chose the word BELIEVE to represent myself. As I continue to chase my dream of racing professionally on the international circuit, the number one thing I have always worked on is that before anyone else is going to believe in your goal, you need to believe it. To have the self belief to work on something day in and day out, no matter how hard it gets, to not give up, however bad the odds, will eventually determine whether you achieve that goal or not.
Not only does it include my initials BE it’s a word and meaning that can be applied to any task in life.